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Tik tok content idea.(Non-Copyrighted)

Character needed:Male and Female

Plot:A married couple live in a house.They are  newly married.The husband comes from the office and thinks that today I will do some prank with my wife.
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The wife is alone at home and waits for her husband in the evening.

HUSBAND-On the way home he brings a bottle of Pepsi.And he thinks that when I get home I will drink this Pepsi and I will pretend that I have drunk liquor and I am drinking.  Today my wife will see me like this.  She will be very angry because her mother told him that the girl does not like Alcohol at all.

Wife-As he reaches home, his wife asks him.  If you have drunk liquor, then he pretended so that she realized that he had drunk liquor.Later the wife also spoke. Give me too!

HUSBAND:When the husband  hears,he is very surprised that his wife is asking him for alcohol because he knew it.  His wife hates alcohol so much.Her husband knows that you do not like alcohol at all.  Then how can you ask?Unknowingly, the husband came to know that his wife drinks alcohol.

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